Wednesday, September 22, 2010


These last few days have been a blast. Recently I was a bit sad because I didn't have too many Japanese friends. I mean, my group of American friends are awesome but one of my goals for coming here was to make long lasting friendships with the locals. It's a bit lonely when you see a school full of Japanese students and no one approaches you because we foreigners look intimidating. I don't enjoy using the word, 'culture shock' because it seems very exaggerated but I guess in a sense, I experienced that.

So to sum it up in one sentence, I went to an 'undoukai,' (sports festival), the Tokyo Game Show, a sushi restaurant, and a matsuri (festival). I took well over a 100 photos but to save time (because I am currently procrastinating) I will post my favorite pictures.

So the undoukai was for my host sister, Yuzu-chan. Although her group ultimately lost, it was so cute watching her try her best (she actually hates sports haha).

I stayed at the TGS for 3 hours and I swear my legs were going to just break off. I was originally supposed to meet up with some friends, but I ended up going alone (ah, a true otaku!). 

I was able to play Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the highly anticipated game. It was amazing and I got a free folder!

The lines were mad long. The lines for Megaman Universe and Dead Rising 2 were closed off because it was over a 2 hour wait.

The new Kingdom Hearts

As I was leaving I saw a business man carrying a man purse. Usually, I would just shrug it off, but this man took man purses to a whole new level.

 I was envious that his purse was 10 times nicer and more expensive than mine LOL.

After the show, my host parents took me to a sushi restaurant with a conveyor belt! Here we are waiting to be seated.

おいしそうですね。(It looks good, right?)

This was so delicious but I could only eat one. I ended up eating both but I felt really sick afterwards.

So here we are at the matsuri. The food looked SO good but I had already ate ;0;. I think the cutest food I saw were pikachu shaped cakes with filling inside XD.

It was really an experience that I will always remember (unless I get Alzheimers)

Here's Yuzu-chan wearing a yukata! I really wanted to wear one but I didn't have a yukata. I guess I've always imagined host mothers owning a bunch of yukatas and kimonos and allowing foreigners to wear it. Guess it depends haha.

This is a ぼんおどり。I was pulled into doing the Japanese coal dance. It was memorable alright XD.

Oh I almost forgot, here are the things I received from the TGS and from the book store. At the Capcom store I purchased a Biohazard strap, a Megaman figure, and a SF4 mini arcade stick. Initially I regretted spending approx. 30 bucks at the Capcom store but now I'm kind of happy I did :)

 I finally finished my Kimi ni Todoke collection! Volume 12 comes out tomorrow (I am going to sprint to the honya haha!) 

Yesterday I met up with my Japanese e-pal and her friend, Yo-chan. It really relieved me of the fears I had regarding how I would fit in. The material things like the TGS and the adventures at the Honya are definitely fun, but I would rather establish a special bond between my host family and friends.

Until later,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Picture Dump (gomen ne!)

I'm too lazy to make a theme behind this post you go lol. These pictures have been accumulating for a few days now.

I was watching TV and saw Big Bang! SNSD is coming to Japan as well. 

saw this in the subway

My walk to the bus stop. The weather was gloomy but I prefer that than the sweltering heat.

The bus stop is right around the corner! 

Yay I've been wanting this magazine for a very long time!!!! 

Kimi ni Todoke live-action fanbook!

Another flyer for the movie! I'm so pumped :D

On Sunday we went to Asukasa, located north of Tokyo, it's known for its shrines and temples

I ate lots of good food! I forgot all the names but I will surely describe them to you!

This man was making a fish shaped pastry with red bean inside. MmmmmMMmm...

I had green tea & vanilla ice cream while Davy had melon. I think Mine looked and tasted better. heheheheh.

This was divine. It was like a funnel cake with red bean inside. Only a 100 yen! 

Asukasa had many souvenir shops. Can you spot the ninja domo?! It actually had hair!

After lunch we all went to see a sumo tournament. It was definitely exciting! Usually they last no more than 40 seconds per round but we were able to see a deadlock that resulted in a rematch. 

Hope you enjoyed this post! Bye!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Little Things

Konnichi ha minna. Genki? I'm at home right now while my host mother and her daughters are out. After school, Koko and Yuzu go to cram school. I'm not sure if that's everyday but that's definitely intense! Today was long and fun. This morning I took the wrong bus and freaked out after they dropped me off at some random location. Thankfully a train station was nearby and I was able to ask a few people (including an Australian businessman lol) and they helped me out. My Japanese Placement Exam was wasn't so much the things I was dreading like kanji and filling in the blank (that was actually easy). I couldn't understand some of the directions which means lots of mistakes made.

Afterwards, we went to eat at the cafeteria where I got ramen. I was really craving spicy foods so I dumped a lot of Tabasco sauce in my ramen (that's probably rude). After our meal, Spiga-san and I went to the shopping center at Shin Urayasu. First, we ate at mister donut (my new favorite doughnut store that's 10 times better than dunkin doughnuts). Then we went to the arcade where I played SF4 again. While I was playing I was suddenly pulled out of my game and I had to challenge this old dude across from me. He played as Guile and totally killed me. I really didn't ask for that lol. Afterwards we went to a honya (book store) and I bought volumes 10 and 11 of kimi ni todoke!!!! It really made my day. Spiga-san bought the whole series of this manga he liked. I think he spent almost $40 ^ ^. Finally I returned home and listened to Koko-chan play the piano.

So before I show pictures, I want to talk about Japanese girls/women and their fashion. Firstly, they know how to work it. It's not so much the brands here but how they layer on clothes and choose accessories. It's absolutely amazing. A lot of Japanese school girls put on a ton of makeup especially liquid eyeliner. Sometimes they look like a panda and then other times it looks really nice. Even when I see a girl with heavy makeup, it just seems to work for some reason.  Today I wore a skirt which I regretted when I stepped onto the jam-packed train this morning. Thankfully theres was no butt groping!

Today's pictures are a bit dull because I was too lazy to pull out my camera during the day. Once again it was really hot but thankfully it was windy. I bought an umbrella today at the 100 yen store to shade me from the sun XD.

I bought this a few days ago. It's not so much the product I wanted to show (because that would be odd) but rather the packaging. It's so intricate and busy. This was almost 8 bucks ;o;.

The shampoo and conditioner pack was about 15 dollars *double sad face!! ;o;* The stuff on the right was purchased at the hyaku yen shop. It's my favorite store. So far, I've gone there four days in a row.

Some dango my okaasan bought me. It's quite tasty but very sweet!

Heh heh. Given my horrible Japanese, I will let this one slide.

When I returned home, this was on my desk. Arigatou, Okaasan! Oh yes, Stitch from 'Lilo and Stitch' is super popular among Japanese children. 

Finally, my purchase at the honya. What a beautiful, beautiful picture ne? The live action will be released on the 25th of this month. No one can stop me from going. NO ONE!

Because Spiga-san bought a crap load of manga, he got these manga cards (shown on the top right corner) and gave one to me. 

I get homesick quite easily but as a wise man from 'Zombieland' told me, 'you gotta enjoy the little things.' lol.

Monday, September 6, 2010

日本に着きました!(I arrived in Japan!)

Konnichiwa minna-san! Nihon ni tsukimashita! I need to study for my Japanese Placement Exam tomorrow so this post will be low in text and high in images!

My meal on the plane. Oishikattadesu!! Their spinach sandwich that they gave out later was gross though ;-;.

The hotel where we stayed for three days had an awesome view! Welcome to Makuhari!!

Stopped by the hyaku yen shop (aka dollar store) and picked up a few things. I especially liked my 'Western Polo' socks lol

Me playing SF4 at SEGA Club. I lost at the final boss *tear.* Thank goodness there's an arcade 15 minutes from my house!!

NOM NOM NOM. I forgot what this dish was called but I think it was similar to donburi.

My room! Very nice ne?

My host sisters. SO ADORABLE! 

A festival by the Shin-urayasu station. I didn't get to try any of the food there but it looked very good. Japan right now is super hot and prevents me from doing anything.

Until later!