Wednesday, September 22, 2010


These last few days have been a blast. Recently I was a bit sad because I didn't have too many Japanese friends. I mean, my group of American friends are awesome but one of my goals for coming here was to make long lasting friendships with the locals. It's a bit lonely when you see a school full of Japanese students and no one approaches you because we foreigners look intimidating. I don't enjoy using the word, 'culture shock' because it seems very exaggerated but I guess in a sense, I experienced that.

So to sum it up in one sentence, I went to an 'undoukai,' (sports festival), the Tokyo Game Show, a sushi restaurant, and a matsuri (festival). I took well over a 100 photos but to save time (because I am currently procrastinating) I will post my favorite pictures.

So the undoukai was for my host sister, Yuzu-chan. Although her group ultimately lost, it was so cute watching her try her best (she actually hates sports haha).

I stayed at the TGS for 3 hours and I swear my legs were going to just break off. I was originally supposed to meet up with some friends, but I ended up going alone (ah, a true otaku!). 

I was able to play Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the highly anticipated game. It was amazing and I got a free folder!

The lines were mad long. The lines for Megaman Universe and Dead Rising 2 were closed off because it was over a 2 hour wait.

The new Kingdom Hearts

As I was leaving I saw a business man carrying a man purse. Usually, I would just shrug it off, but this man took man purses to a whole new level.

 I was envious that his purse was 10 times nicer and more expensive than mine LOL.

After the show, my host parents took me to a sushi restaurant with a conveyor belt! Here we are waiting to be seated.

おいしそうですね。(It looks good, right?)

This was so delicious but I could only eat one. I ended up eating both but I felt really sick afterwards.

So here we are at the matsuri. The food looked SO good but I had already ate ;0;. I think the cutest food I saw were pikachu shaped cakes with filling inside XD.

It was really an experience that I will always remember (unless I get Alzheimers)

Here's Yuzu-chan wearing a yukata! I really wanted to wear one but I didn't have a yukata. I guess I've always imagined host mothers owning a bunch of yukatas and kimonos and allowing foreigners to wear it. Guess it depends haha.

This is a ぼんおどり。I was pulled into doing the Japanese coal dance. It was memorable alright XD.

Oh I almost forgot, here are the things I received from the TGS and from the book store. At the Capcom store I purchased a Biohazard strap, a Megaman figure, and a SF4 mini arcade stick. Initially I regretted spending approx. 30 bucks at the Capcom store but now I'm kind of happy I did :)

 I finally finished my Kimi ni Todoke collection! Volume 12 comes out tomorrow (I am going to sprint to the honya haha!) 

Yesterday I met up with my Japanese e-pal and her friend, Yo-chan. It really relieved me of the fears I had regarding how I would fit in. The material things like the TGS and the adventures at the Honya are definitely fun, but I would rather establish a special bond between my host family and friends.

Until later,



  1. Oh my gosh, there's going to be another kingdom hearts??(3 is it?) O:

    Haha, that man-purse; such typical asian style!

    But, you should buy a yukata to bring home; it looks uber cute! :D And congrats with your kimi ni todoke set! (Are mangas cheaper in Japan?)

  2. すしを食べたい!


    these were my 2 favorite lines:
    It was really an experience that I will always remember (unless I get Alzheimers)LOL

    originally supposed to meet up with some friends, but I ended up going alone (ah, a true otaku!).

    i love you!

  4. @jenny: yes, manga is SOOOO cheap. At retail price they're about $3.90 but at this famous used book store, you can find manga for 100 yen. I bought 3 fat volumes of boys over flowers for 3 bucks!

    @Davy: I can't eat raw fish though :P

    @Kay: haha I'm glad you liked it!!
