Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Picture Dump (gomen ne!)

I'm too lazy to make a theme behind this post so...here you go lol. These pictures have been accumulating for a few days now.

I was watching TV and saw Big Bang! SNSD is coming to Japan as well. 

saw this in the subway

My walk to the bus stop. The weather was gloomy but I prefer that than the sweltering heat.

The bus stop is right around the corner! 

Yay I've been wanting this magazine for a very long time!!!! 

Kimi ni Todoke live-action fanbook!

Another flyer for the movie! I'm so pumped :D

On Sunday we went to Asukasa, located north of Tokyo, it's known for its shrines and temples

I ate lots of good food! I forgot all the names but I will surely describe them to you!

This man was making a fish shaped pastry with red bean inside. MmmmmMMmm...

I had green tea & vanilla ice cream while Davy had melon. I think Mine looked and tasted better. heheheheh.

This was divine. It was like a funnel cake with red bean inside. Only a 100 yen! 

Asukasa had many souvenir shops. Can you spot the ninja domo?! It actually had hair!

After lunch we all went to see a sumo tournament. It was definitely exciting! Usually they last no more than 40 seconds per round but we were able to see a deadlock that resulted in a rematch. 

Hope you enjoyed this post! Bye!


    TAKE MORE! my thirst for pics is nonending!
    i hope you can go to tokyo game show!
    Your home looks so quaint and cozy. lol
    I love you!

  2. http://kotaku.com/5637579/capcoms-marvelous-tokyo-game-show-swag


  3. Asakusa! Hehehe.
    And yeah, melon didn't taste too special. Oh well! Lets get some crepes next time!

  4. OMG BIG BANG!! <3 <3

    and ditto kay--all these pictures ARE awesome!! the food looks SO YUMMY :3

  5. haha thanks kay and sharon!! I will definitely update often :).

  6. omgsh i can't believe you saw an actual sumo match!! that's so cool! hahhaha they look hilarious! oh i've always wanted those fish molds to make those fishes with bed bean xD
